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There is a lot of distortion going around and in the end IMHO it will benefit coal

Recently I was made aware of what in Europe end users pay for natural gas vs we pay here (eg pipelined from Texas) and it is an astonishing 9x more per Cube meter gas than we pay.

As i see it is because Biden put up that gas export restriction (so gas prices will be lower in the US since it cannot be LNG exported) and his obvious shenanigans with that blown up pipe line. Also the strategic reserves have been emptied as I pay only $2.34 per gallon i. In Eutope it is 4-5x more (also thanks to their global warming hoax tax increases as the germans now are discovering)

So these things have a negative impact on coal consumption and IMHO those things are coming to an end.

Trump will refill the strategic (or it minimum not futher drain the remaining drops). LNG can be exported and the ridiculous regulations with coal will be gone.

In Europe they also start waking up from their insanity as can be seen in the voting patterns of the disgrundled population.

The only risk I see is with that Ukraine war coming to an end, gas and cosl from Russia will start flowing to the EU again so some more competition.

But with energy usage not only increasing due to that AI data crnter stuff, it will also increase when factories are repatriated back to the US.

So those coal power plants will not only stay open longer but will also burn harder until in 30 year they can finally make a fusion reactor or in 10 year finally another new nuke plant comes online

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